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My garden is grander than Eden
It bears more fruit than all the orchards and vineyards unfurling
      on all the hottest hillsides of Jordan
It bears figs pears grapes wilder sweeter pinker than all the dreams
      painted on Joseph's coat
My garden grows trees taller than the mast ships sailing over
      the towers of Troy
      and their leaves are leafier and more plentiful than plantations
      on all the islands Ulysses sailed among the ten years he sailed home
      and Jason while he was riding out to find the fleece
It sprouts ferns wider than any prairie
      plumier than pampas
      paler than alfalfa
      and their fronds are longer than Samson's hair before Dalila felled it
      stronger than the sinews in the arms of Hercules when he embraced the snakes
      tastier than the tips of asparagus in the middle of winter.
My garden has a ground that heaves like Eve
      bearing all the children of the world
      that rises like Adam
      the afternoon he pointed out and named all the flowers
      and they are redder than apples than peppers than paper poppies
      than fire engines careening the light white night
      of a small boy's private nation.
My garden wears roses like Mexican hats
      rhododendron like gates
      heather like wild geese wings flapping furiously
      and then furiously holding still.
My garden is green
My garden sings
My garden is mine.


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